11 ways to safeguard oneself from home title theft
A home title is the most important legal document for owning a house. It is physical evidence of ownership of land, apartment, house, or other real estate. A title document includes information about the property, from boundaries to ownership history. One has to produce this document to rent out, issue a mortgage loan, or sell the property. But title theft is a real concern, and here are some ways to protect oneself from it. Can a home title be stolen? Yes, a title document can be stolen and misused. Home title theft may not always involve the physical theft of a paper document, but it can involve fraudulent actions that result in a theft of one’s rights related to the said property. Some common ways this is done include impersonating legal entities, breaching data, intercepting personal emails, hacking records and public Wi-Fi, and more. How can a home title be misused? The title deed is recorded in the local government’s land records or registrar’s office. A scammer may manipulate the record and use it to undertake property-related transactions. These transactions include registering a fake deed, selling or renting the property without the owner’s consent or knowledge, or obtaining mortgages. If left unreported or ignored, the valid property owner may face financial losses and be stuck with the burden of proving their ownership, which can quickly become a lengthy and costly legal process.