7 mistakes to avoid for preventing and managing skin diseases

7 mistakes to avoid for preventing and managing skin diseases

Many people follow a great skincare routine by applying expensive creams and lotions but still encounter skin conditions like acne, eczema, and rashes. While it’s great to know the best practices for keeping your skin healthy, preventive skin care is equally important. Here are some unhealthy habits you need to stop immediately to keep skin conditions at bay and manage existing problems. These tips are easy to follow and don’t cost a lot.

Having too much sugar and refined carbs
Research shows that refined carbs and sugar increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular issues. But did you know that foods rich in sugar and carbs also lead to skin disease? Excessive sugar leads to a spike in insulin levels. This, in turn, causes the pores to secrete excess oil, leading to clogged pores and pimples. On the other hand, carbs bind to collagen molecules, forming advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that make the skin look aged.

Skipping sunscreen
Although we know how important sunscreen is for keeping the skin free of wrinkles, tanning, and pigmentation, we often skimp on it. Not using sunscreen can contribute to severe skin diseases, including skin cancer. To keep such ailments at bay, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that will shield the skin against both UVA and UVB rays. For the best results, apply a generous amount 15 minutes before leaving home and reapply it every two hours.

Not cleaning your cell phone
How is this related to skin health? Our cell phones are exposed to harmful bacteria. And placing its screen against the cheek when answering calls may transfer the bacteria from the handset to your face, leading to skin diseases like acne. So, clean the surface of your device from time to time, and if possible, use earphones while calling.

Exfoliating too much
Exfoliation is a great way to make the skin squeaky clean and bright. But did you know that there’s something known as over-exfoliation? Scrubbing your skin too frequently increases oil production, leading to breakouts through the spread of bacteria. To avoid this, exfoliate once a week using a softer peel-based exfoliator.

Not sleeping well
Every person needs at least seven to eight hours of unbroken sleep. This is when the skin repairs itself from the damage and stress caused during the day. Any disturbance in sleep patterns interrupts this process and slows down the rate at which skin cells regenerate. This may lead to various skin diseases, such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema. It may also lead to circulatory problems, making the skin look yellow and aged.

Sharing makeup brushes
Sharing makeup applicators and brushes spells disaster for the skin. Even if you use non-comedogenic products, sharing brushes can transfer oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells from one person’s face to another. This can clog pores and lead to skin diseases and acne.

Scratching and picking the skin
Though it’s tempting to pinch and scratch scabs and other bumps on the skin, it’s one of the worst things to do that can damage your skin permanently. Even squeezing a pimple may push bacteria and oils back into the skin, leading to scabs and even permanent pits and scars.

Besides following these tips, it’s advisable to use the correct treatment for managing skin disease. One popular option is TREMFYA®. It’s prescribed for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, a condition that causes itchy, red, and scaly patches of skin. The treatment is administered under the skin as per the dosage recommended by the doctor. Some common side effects are pain, itching, and swelling at the site where the dose was administered.

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