3 tips that help manage depression

3 tips that help manage depression

Depression, one of the common mental disorders, affects about 5% of the global population. There are three stages of the disorder, namely mild, moderate, and severe. The moderate and severe forms can impact a person’s daily routine. In many cases, severely depressed people can feel suicidal. About 17.3 million people suffer from depression, and the disorder is more prevalent in females than males. These are the three ways to help manage mental disorders:

Get treated
Although challenging and long-term, the illness is treatable. Getting the proper treatment at the right time can make a crucial difference to the quality of life. REXULTI and CAPLYTA are two proven treatment methodologies that have benefited many.

    This is a psychiatric treatment belonging to the atypical antipsychotics class and is used for treating certain mental illnesses, including depression. It typically re-instates some of the natural chemicals in the brain and helps deal with everyday situations by controlling thoughts, nervousness, and hallucinations. It also positively influences the person’s energy levels, enhancing appetite, mood, and sleep quality.
  • Caplyta
    This is another treatment that has proven results in the case of bipolar and depression. It is advised for adults and is used for treating patients suffering from bipolar I and II. It affects certain natural compounds in the brain like serotonin and dopamine, resulting in improved mood.

What to eat
There is no typical meal plan that people suffering from depression need to have. Doctors advise balanced meals so that the person’s overall health remains stable. For example, eating foods rich in antioxidants help fight free radicals and can create a healthy ecosystem for brain cells. If depression is making daily life difficult, consider choosing from these food items to boost mood:

  • Dark chocolate
    This is brilliant as a mood enhancer and acts as an antidepressant. Compared to milk chocolate, the darker ones contain flavanols that contain brain-protecting nutrients. Flavanols help improve mood and cognition powers. Besides, dark chocolates contain adenosine-agonists, theobromine, fatty acids like N-acylethanolamines, and monoamines like Phenylethylamine. All of these promote the release of mood-enhancing hormones with euphoric effects.
  • Yogurt
    Yogurt is rich in Lactobacillus, a gut-friendly bacterium. Low levels of this bacterium in the gut microbiome can cause stress and depression-like symptoms. Having yogurt can maintain the level of Lactobacillus in the gut and, in turn, address the symptoms of depression.
  • Bananas
    The fruit contains high levels of tryptophan which is converted into a neurotransmitter in the human body called serotonin. It is responsible for mood elevation and helps overcome depression. The presence of magnesium and vitamin B6 helps relax the mind and improves sleep quality.
  • Oats
    Oats are also a rich source of tryptophan that improves serotonin levels in the brain and contain magnesium that helps ease off symptoms of depression.
  • Berries
    Strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries are rich sources of vitamin C and flavonols that protect the brain cells and enhance cognition and mood.
  • Nuts and seeds
    There are filled with vitamin E and selenium. The recommended intake of selenium in adults is about 55mg per day. The minerals impact mood, while vitamin E is rich in antioxidants that fight off harmful free radicals.
  • Coffee
    The beverage can help reduce the risks of depression due to its anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, and microbiome-enhancing properties. Caffeine can block receptors in the brain that are responsible for fatigue and lower mood levels.
  • Beans and lentils
    Beans and lentils are rich in folic acid and magnesium, which can significantly impact the mood levels of a person.

Lifestyle changes
Making small changes in a person’s daily lifestyle can affect the mood and brain health. Focus on these to stay away from depression:

  • Physical exercise
    Any physical activity can keep mental health issues under check. If a person is prone to anxiety, stress, and depression, take up activities or exercises that can keep the body and mind fit. Individuals can start with walking or swimming if they are not too comfortable with heavy-duty exercises. But before starting with any physical activity, get the consent of a doctor.
  • Stress reduction
    This is essential to keeping depressive thoughts out of mind. Increased stress levels have been found to impact mental disorders negatively. Before someone realizes it, it becomes a vicious chain, stress and mental illness feeding off each other. Mindful meditation is an extremely impressive way to reduce stress and make the mind resilient. Another excellent way to address stress is through yoga. It helps stay physically fit and, at the same time, promotes self-analysis, opens the mind, and channels positive energy. All of this can bring positivity and enhance the mood.
  • Getting enough sleep
    Sufficient rest refreshes the mind and the body. That is why it is crucial to follow healthy sleep hygiene. Set a routine that helps a person get to bed early and consistently at a given time every night. Do not consume heavy meals just before bedtime, and stay away from caffeine to be able to get good quality sleep.

While there is no alternative to effective treatment, making changes in meal regimens and lifestyle will only drive better results. Since certain ingredients boost the mood, enhance sleep, and keep metabolism healthy, make sure to include them in meals.

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